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Women’s Journey to India Transformational Detox Retreat in Rishikesh

7 Night Women’s Journey to India Transformational Detox Retreat in Rishikesh: 15 – 22 March 2023

This Women’s Journey to India Transformational Detox Retreat in Rishikesh is a retreat designed by women for women to connect with one another and with themselves at a much deeper level.
Rishikesh, situated on the banks of the Ganges river in the foothills of the Himalaya, is the place of ancient spiritual practices.  It is a place that holds the vibration of thousands of years of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda and as such is the perfect environment for deep transformational work.
Women's retreat to India

The retreat home is an ashram within walking distance from the famous Laxman Jhula Bridge and the crystal clear turquoise waters of the Ganges river. Your home for 7 nights is just a stone’s throw from a number of temples and nature walks in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. You will have your own private ensuite bedroom with a king-size bed with simple white linen.

The Cleanse (detox)

The retreat starts out with a beautiful healthy vegan meal on the first day. Then for the following 5 days, we will juice fast with freshly squeezed local fruits and vegetables. We will make fresh almond milk each day for traditional golden milk and a vegan broth in the evenings. The following two days will see us re-feeding with fruit and healthy vegan Indian food before we send you on your way.

Conscious eating and juice fasting have long been practised by so many who have come before us who have fasted as a tool to access their deeper selves, to cleanse the body and purify the mind. This has a strong effect on us as we begin to open to a deeper connection within and without. The result is that we start looking at our lives and where we are with a fresh and clear vision. With this clarity, it becomes easier to guide and direct our lives into the lives of our own choosing.

This women’s retreat promises transformation at the deeper levels of your being. You will not only cleanse your physical body but your emotional body and mind also. You will have an opportunity to experience the best of spiritual India as well as cleanse at the deeper level of your being. You will come away from this retreat with clarity of mind and know how to move forward in your life.


While yoga is a useful tool for exercising and stretching our physical body as well as nourishing and toning our organs and assisting with the detoxification process, our yoga practice is for the mind. It helps to calm and balance our mind utilising the breath as our primary focus. You do not need to have practised yoga before, our classical Indian yoga is suitable for beginners as well as intermediate practitioners.


Yoga Nidra

We use a method of guided meditation called Yoga Nidra, or yogic sleep as it is commonly known. Yoga Nidra is an immensely powerful meditation technique, and one of the easiest yoga practices to develop and maintain making it suitable for beginners but it is also highly beneficial for regular meditators. The practitioner rests comfortably in savasana (lying down on their back), and is systematically taken through the layers of self, leaving us with a sense of wholeness. During the practice of Yoga Nidra, we are able to develop communication with our body and mind and become more integrated. Some of the many benefits include stress and anxiety reduction, the promotion of emotional wellness, the development of self-awareness and greater consciousness, an increase in concentration span, improved sleep and regular practice can lower blood pressure along with a healthy lifestyle.

Dynamic Meditation
This meditation is full of energy and vibrance.  It allows us to bring to the surface old patterns of behaviour that drive us to behave unconsciously and that keep us trapped in our own minds.  It allows us to shake off unwanted habitual behaviour and to see ourselves clearly with honesty in order to make lasting changes in our lives that move us forward.  
Emotional Release
Our bodies hold memories of all our experiences including all kinds of traumas. So we may be aware of certain events in our lives and we may have dealt with them at the emotional and psychological levels, but we haven’t necessarily dealt with them at the physical level. We will learn how to release these emotions that are stuck in our bodies which ultimately and powerfully hold us back from truly changing the way we see, think and feel about ourselves. When we release these old emotions, we develop new neural pathways that lead us to deeply care about and love ourselves which brings about a fresh energy to live our lives the way we want.

Spiritual India

This is a deep cleansing transformational retreat which promises not only to cleanse your physical body but your emotional body and mind also as well as the deepest levels of your being.  You will experience India at Her most gentle and loving. Rishikesh is one of the ancient places in India where you will still encounter real yogis. These are people who have dedicated their lives to the practice of yoga which can but does not always include asanas or physical postures as they are practised in the west. Many of these people practice devotional yoga, raja yoga, karma yoga etc.  Many of these people still live in the foothills of the great Himalayas which surround the town and who still come down from the mountains for meetings with other devotees or to get supplies. You will also encounter the ancient rituals of aarti which include mantra chanting, music, singing, lighting candles and offerings of incense. These practices have been practised for thousands of years and continue to be practised in the same way with the same heart. The place itself is filled with spiritual energy and you are likely to have a deep experience on our retreat. Spirituality is different for everyone, so it is best to come with an open mind and heart and the heart of a child who is experiencing the world for the first time. Just being in Rishikesh you will imbibe its energy.  You will come away from this retreat with clarity of mind, clean, clear and strong and you will have a way to move forward in your life.

All the processes are designed to support your transformation in this magnificent environment. Run by women for women so that we can soften our feminine qualities and tune into who we really are. You will be held and cared for by Annie and Veechi who are your facilitators for the duration of the retreat.

The retreat includes:

  • Airport transfers to/from Dehradun (Jolly Grant) Airport Rishikesh
  • Accommodation in private ashram rooms with ensuite bathrooms
  • Nutrient-dense freshly squeezed juices
  • Daily meditation
  • Daily yoga
  • Puja (yogic ritual)
  • Transformational workshops
  • Herbal teas
  • 5 Days of juice fasting
  • 3 Days of Ayurvedic meals
  • Vitamin-rich veggie broth
  • Freshly pressed almond milk
  • Nature walks
  • Emotional release
  • Solitude
  • Sharing with like-minded people
  • Excursions to local sites and temples
Women's yoga retreat to India

Like to know more?

This and many more African travel adventures are available.  Chat to me for more details and for information on how to book.

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